East Asia-related Job Market Data in Progress (2024-2025)

Below you will find a table that presents a selection of the categories I am tracking as a part of my job data analyses. This table is intended to serve as a quick guide to job advertisements from the 2024-2025 season. I have tried to make my data as inclusive as possible, but there may inevitably be positions that I miss. If you do not see an advertisement that you are aware of in the filter table, you can submit the information to me via this form. For information on what sites I use to collect my data, visit last year’s data page and my guide to job sites for academics.

In the course of creating visualizations for East Asia-related academic job advertisements, many people asked if I was making my data available as I collected it, rather than just at the end of the year when I present annual trends and final numbers. My initial response was no. One reason is that I was not cleaning my data as I collected it, so I risked putting out incorrect or incomplete information. Another reason is that I felt torn about whether providing this information in one centralized place was more beneficial for its convenience or more detrimental, in that it might discourage job seekers from learning how to search for that information themselves. In the end, I’ve decided that the data can better serve the field by being accessible throughout the year. Job seekers will always have their own specific needs and interests that will drive their individual searches. Furthermore, the labor of putting this information together is already taking place and may as well be as useful to the field at large, particularly those in precarious positions, as possible.

About the Table

The table below is dynamic, updating as I input new information. I typically review new job postings once a week (on Saturdays), though occasionally may add new advertisements as I see them. For ease of use, I have eliminated some categories from the table that will eventually feature in my year-end summary (public/private, mapped coordinates, and continental region).

I have created a table that includes a search bar where you can filter the content of the dataset. Similarly, there are up and down arrows to organize the presentation of the information prioritizing a specific category. Only want to see positions in Korea? Search ‘Korea’! The rest of the data will be filtered out.

For information on how I determine my data categories (data is not neutral!) and any abbreviations (such as TT for “tenure-track”), please visit last year’s data page. In the “Keywords” column I put some of the significant terms placed in each advertisement, which should help users filter based on their particular interests (e.g., “What jobs specified a specialist in ‘gender’ this year?”). Job seekers please note that even if a job does not ask for a particular specialization does not mean that they are not open to people who work in that area! So if you search by a keyword and don’t find it, that does not mean there are not job options out there for you.

The “URL” column, which links to the original advertisement, comes with a couple important caveats: I will do my best to provide links only to open access websites, but that might not always be possible. If you find that a particular link is behind some kind of membership wall, you might try Googling the job advertisement using the institution and keywords provided to see if the ad has been placed somewhere else or visiting the institution’s website to look for a formal HR posting. Similarly, many job postings either disappear after 30-90 days or after the position has filled. This means that a link you were able to access last week may not work this week! A frustrating feature of many of these advertisements, and part of the reason I collect data weekly rather than scraping data after the fact. So do not yell at me if you click a link and it no longer works, please!

If you do find the inevitable typo anywhere, though, please feel free to contact me and let me know.

If you found this table or any other projects and public-facing writing on my site useful, please consider regularly supporting me via Patreon Patreon . Coding and collecting this data takes hours (and lots of hair pulling over broken code!). Digital projects can look fairly straightforward, but there is a lot of invisible labor that goes into it, which I do in my spare time. Support from the community I do this for means a lot to me and helps keep this site running. 🙂

East Asia-related Job Market Data in Progress (2024-2025)


Please note that this table is best viewed maximized in a web browser rather than on a mobile phone.