click here
Below you will find a copy of my CV in full, including embedded links to online content. I have retained entries from graduate school to preserve a master copy of activities and so that they may serve as an example for students seeking possible models for their own CV content. For further examples of my pedagogy and public engagement using a visual layout, please browse my Padlet collection by clicking the paper crane image to the right.

  • Academic Appointments
  • Education
  • Publications
  • Scholarly Employment
  • Grants and Fellowships
  • Teaching Experience
  • Digital Humanities and Public Scholarship
  • Presentations, Conferences, and Workshops
  • Invited Lectures, Workshops, and Presentations
  • Academic Service
  • Overseas and Foreign Language Experience
  • Research Languages
  • Academic Affiliations




    Yanai Initiative Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer, Department of Asian Languages & Cultures, UCLA


    Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer in History, Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies, UCLA


    Postdoctoral Research Associate and Lecturer in History, The Council on East Asian Studies, Yale University



    PhD, History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
    Medieval and Early Modern Studies Certificate
    Graduate Teacher Certificate + Digital Media Teacher Certificate


    MA, East Asian Studies, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
    Concentration: Premodern Japan


    BA, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA, summa cum laude
    Major: Japanese Studies, Minor: Art History (East Asia)


    Scholarly Articles in Progress

    “The Materiality of Mokkan: Creating Sources for Reflection on Text in Ancient Japan.” In Teaching Japan: A Handbook. MHM Limited. [forthcoming]

    “Towards a Digital Future in East Asian Studies: Reflections from 2023.” Journal of Asian Studies Forum, Digital Humanities and/in Asian Studies. [forthcoming]

    Scholarly Articles


    On Kami and Avatars: Social Media Literacy and Academics as Public Intellectuals.” In Introduction to Digital Humanities – Religion, Vol. 6: Across Asia: Studying Religions Digitally. Eds. Cornelis van Lit and James Harry Morris, 257-287. Degruyter, 2023.

    海外における日本中世史研究の動向―若手研究者による研究と雇用の展望」 (The State of the Field for Medieval Japanese History Overseas: Research by Early Career Scholars and the Job Market). In『海外の日本中世史研究:「日本史」・自国史・外国史の交差』 (Overseas Research on Medieval Japanese History: the Intersection of “Japanese History” in Japan and Abroad). Eds. Xiaolong Huang and Yasufumi Horikawa, 101-115. Bensei Shuppan, 2023.


    Taking the Fight for Japan’s History Online: The Ramseyer Controversy and Social Media.” The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus 19, no. 22:3 (2021).


    Essays and Other Publications



    Recent Developments in Digital Japanese Studies.” International Institute for Asian Studies Newsletter 92 (Summer).

    Bronze Bell.” Perspectives on History, The American Historical Association. Feb 24, 2022.


    Taking the Fight for Japan's History Online.” Critical Asian Studies. Oct 12, 2021.

    Ramseyer and the Right-Wing Ecosystem Suffocating Japan.” Tokyo Review. May 30, 2021.

    《巻頭言》「デジタル・シフトとデジタル日本研究の未来」 (The 'Digital Shift' and the Future of Digital Japanese Studies), 人文情報学月報 / Digital Humanities Monthly 115-1 (2021).
    [English version]


    "Embracing the Rebirth of Japanese Studies." #AsiaNow. May 18, 2020.


    "Japan’s Once and Future Female Emperors." Nursing Clio. Apr 30, 2019.


    “Prologue.” Asiadémica 10 (2017): 7-9.



    Akiko Walley. Tekagami & Kyōgire. Ars Orientalis 52 (2023).



    William Wayne Farris. A Bowl for a Coin: A Commodity History of Japanese Tea. H-net Reviews (Feb 2021).


    Bodies and Structures.Reviews in Digital Humanities 1:10 (Oct 2020).




    Takagi Kiyoko. “Emperor Kōken,” “Emperor Shōtoku,” “Emperor Meishō,” “Emperor Go-Sakuramachi.” In Hachinin no jotei (The Eight Female Emperors of Japan: A Brief Introduction to their Lives and Legacies). Tokyo: Fuzambō International, 2005. Publication in English by Fuzambō International.



    Operations Leader, Japan Past & Present, Yanai Initiative for Globalizing Japanese Humanities, UCLA, Waseda University



    Library Assistant for Japanese Special Collections, Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library: Asia Library, University of Michigan


    Graduate Student Liaison, Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies, University of Michigan

    2018 (Fall)

    Dissertation Writing Group Leader, Sweetland Center for Writing, University of Michigan

    2018 (Mar-Apr)

    Research Assistant, Diana Lemberg, Assistant Professor, Lingnan University, Archival work for “Media Development, Human Rights, and U.S. Global Power, 1958-1969.”

    2018 (Feb-May)

    Assistant to Chair, INDIGO: The LSA Asian & Asian American Faculty Alliance, University of Michigan

    2013 (Jan)

    Translator, Department of History, University of Michigan
    “Defeat in the Colonies: The Return of Japanese Women after the Second World War” by Meyu Yamamoto. Kyoto University, 2013. For HIST 796 - Global History of Gender, Violence, and Sexuality, Winter Term, 2014.

    2012 (Mar-Apr)

    Research Assistant, Melanie Trede, Toyota Visiting Professor, University of Michigan
    Research and translation of the Jingū kōgō engi and Konda sōbyō engi scrolls (ca. 1433).



    Association for Asian Studies – National Endowment for the Humanities “Striving for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Asian Studies”; Digital Humanities Grant


    Medieval Academy of America Travel Bursary for Meritorious Graduate Paper


    HistoryLab Grant, HIST 393: Looking for Asian Americans at UM and in Michigan, University of Michigan


    Digital Humanities Summer Institute Grant, Institute for the Humanities, University of Michigan


    Digital Humanities Summer Institute Scholarship, Digital Humanities Summer Institute


    Scholar Sprints Digital Partnership Program, University of Michigan Library


    Northeast Asia Council of the Association for Asian Studies Japan Studies Grant
    [The University of Michigan Komonjo Workshop]


    Sweetland Dissertation Writing Institute Graduate Fellow, University of Michigan


    Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies Graduate Research Fellow, University of Michigan


    Sidney Fine Teaching Partnership Award, University of Michigan


    Japan Foundation Japanese Studies Fellowship


    Fulbright Graduate Research Fellowship


    Japan Foundation Japanese Studies Fellowship [declined]

    2013 & 2014

    Center for Japanese Studies Summer Grant, University of Michigan

    2012 & 2013

    Medieval and Early Modern Studies Summer Grant, University of Michigan


    Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship (year): Ohio State University [declined]

    2010-11, 09-10

    Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship (year): Ohio State University

    2008 & 2009

    Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship (summer): Ohio State University


    University Fellowship: Ohio State University


    2023 (Spring)

    Lecturer, Department of Asian Languages & Cultures, University of California, Los Angeles
    Spring 2023: JPN 191C - Current Trends and Scholarship in Medieval Japanese History

    2022 (Spring)

    Lecturer, History Department, University of California, Los Angeles
    Spring 2022: HIST 171 - The Written Word in Japan: Prehistory to 1600

    2020 (Spring)

    Lecturer, East Asian Studies Department, Yale University
    Spring 2020: EAS 910 - Economic, Environmental, and Digital Perspectives on Premodern Japan
    [independent study, MA level]

    2019 (Fall)

    Lecturer, History Department & East Asian Studies Department, Yale University
    Fall 2019: HIST 307/EAS 404 - The Written Word in Japan: Prehistory to 1600

    2019 (Winter)

    Teaching Assistant & Digital Consultant, History Department, University of Michigan
    Winter 2019: HIST 393 - Looking for Asian Americans at UM and in Michigan: Capturing 150 years of Lived Experiences and Raw Voices

    2017 (Fall)

    Instructor of Record, History Department, University of Michigan
    Fall 2017: HIST 195 - Swords, Axes, and Spades: Writing Social Diversity into Medieval Japan


    Graduate Student Instructor, History Department, University of Michigan
    Winter 2017: HIST 205 – Modern East Asia
    Winter 2013: HIST 205 – Modern East Asia
    Fall 2013: HIST 210 – Early Medieval Europe, 300-1000
    Fall 2012: HIST 204 – East Asia: Early Transformations


    Project Development and Leadership


    Workshop Leader (co-taught with Paul Vierthaler, William & Mary), "East Asian Studies & Digital Humanities,"
    Dream Lab: A Digital Humanities Training Institute
    , University of Pennsylvania
    Jun 5-9, 2023
    Jun 13-26, 2022
    Jun 14-17, 2021
    Dream Lab Plus (Faculty Edition)
    Jan 14-Feb 25, 2023

    Dec 2022

    Workshop Leader (co-taught with Paul Vierthaler, William & Mary), "Digital Humanities Fundamentals & East Asian Studies,"
    (Faculty & Administrator Workshop Series), BINUS University


    Workshop Leader, "Japanese Language Text Mining,”
    Digital Humanities Methods for Japanese Studies
    , University of Chicago
    Jun 19-23, 2022 (Session 3)
    Jul 22 & 30, 2021 (Session 1, Session 2)



    Logistics Manager, Premodern Japanese Studies (PMJS) Online Community
    [inclusive community leadership and sustainable digital resource development]

    Aug 20-23, 2018

    Project Leader, Scholar Sprints, "Mapping Toll Barriers in Medieval Japan,"
    Digital Partnership Program, University of Michigan Library

    May 26-27, 2018

    Workshop Leader, "Introduction to Network Analysis,"
    Digital Humanities and East Asian Religions Workshop,
    McMaster University



    Collaborator, Digital Humanities Japan Initiative
    Moderator, Digital Humanities Japan Mailing List & Resources Wiki



    Public Engagement and Media Appearances

    Mar 27, 2022

    Interview, Matthew Hayes, "Digital Literacies in and Beyond the Classroom: Some Reflections on DH in Teaching with Dr. Paula R. Curtis," The Digital Orientalist (podcast on current research in Japan Studies)

    Nov 25, 2021

    Interview, Oliver Moxham, "Historians & Online Harassment," Beyond Japan (podcast on current research in Japan Studies)

    Dec 17, 2020

    Interview, Oliver Moxham, "Digitising Japanese Studies," Beyond Japan (podcast on current research in Japan Studies)

    Oct 20, 2020

    Interview, Tristan R. Grunow, "The ‘Rebirth’ of Japanese Studies on the Record with Paula R. Curtis (Yale)," Japan on the Record (podcast on current events related to Japan Studies)

    Mar 27, 2020

    Online Publication, "Digital Humanities Japan: Building Community and Sharing Resources," The Digital Orientalist

    Dec 15-21, 2019

    Public Engagement Project & Student Collaboration, Tweeting Historians Twitter Project
    Personal Tweet Threads - Premodern Japanese History
    Student Tweet Threads – Japan’s Female Emperors

    Dec 10, 2019

    Interview, Reina Gattuso, "The Return of Japan’s Female Sake Brewers,Atlas Obscura

    Oct 6, 2019

    Oct 30, 2018

    Digital Humanities Training

    Jun 3-7, 2019

    "Digital Humanities for Japanese Culture: Resources and Methods,"
    Participant, Digital Humanities Summer Institute, University of Victoria

    Jun 12-16, 2017

    "Extracting Cultural Networks from Thematic Research Collections,"
    Participant, Digital Humanities Summer Institute, University of Victoria

    May 30-Jun 2, 2017

    "Japanese Language Text Mining: Digital Methods for Japanese Studies,"
    Participant, Digital Humanities Workshop, Emory University

    Digital Humanities Presentations

    Nov 30, 2022

    “An Introduction to Digital Humanities: Methods, Tools, & Question,”
    BINUS University

    Mar 2, 2022

    “Digital Humanities and Japanese Studies: Getting Started and Familiar,”
    University of Florida

    Jan 27, 2022

    “An Introduction to Digital Humanities: Methods, Tools, & Questions,”
    University of Tsukuba

    Oct 4, 2021

    “Digital Japanese Studies: Current Trends and Professional Dilemmas,”
    University of Pittsburgh

    Jun 26, 2021

    Keynote Speaker, “Digital Humanities in Japanese Studies: State of the Field,”
    The Digital Orientalist Virtual Workshop and Conference

    Mar 17, 2021

    “To DH or not to DH? Digital Humanities and You,”
    Midwestern Professionalization Seminar in East Asian Studies, Ohio State University

    May 4-5, 2018

    “Digital Publishing and the History Classroom: An Introduction & Example Using Scalar,” "The Impact of the Digital on Japanese Studies, Redux," Digital Humanities Workshop, University of Chicago

    Nov 6, 2017

    “Speaking with the Dead: Digital Oral History for the Premodern Classroom,”
    Presenter, Digital Pedagogies Lightning Talks and Workshop, Institute for Humanities, University of Michigan

    Nov 11-12, 2016

    “On Forgery,” “The Impact of the Digital on Japanese Studies,” Digital Humanities Workshop, University of Chicago


    Papers Presented or Chaired & Panels Organized

    Sept 13, 2023

    “Quantitative & Qualitative Reflections on Recent Hiring Trends in Japanese Studies,”
    European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists

    Apr 13, 2023

    “Public-facing Scholarship in an Age of Social Media Extremism: Views from Japan & Beyond,”
    University of California, Los Angeles

    Apr 11, 2022

    “Buddhas, Bells, And The Legacies Of Japan’s Medieval Metal Casters,”
    Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies, University of California, Los Angeles

    Mar 26, 2022

    Organizer & Presenter, “The Academic Online: Making Asian Studies Digitally Present,”
    The Association for Asian Studies

    Feb 18, 2022

    Discussant, Charred Wood, Fragmented Writing, and Buddhist Bullets: Reuse and Recycling in Japanese Visual and Material Culture
    College Art Association

    Aug 28, 2021

    “Law or Order?: Forgery and Falsity in Medieval Japanese Documents,”Frauds, Forgeries, and Newfound Networks
    European Association for Japanese Studies

    Mar 20, 2020

    Organizer & Presenter,“The ‘Rebirth’ of Japanese Studies,”
    The Association for Asian Studies
    [cancelled due to COVID-19, converted to virtual roundtable format]

    Nov 15, 2019

    “Reading Between the Texts: Forgery, History, and Authority in Late Medieval Japan,”
    The Council on East Asian Studies Postdoctoral Associates Lecture Series, Yale University

    May 22, 2019

    “Forgery and its Narratives in Medieval Japan,”Forgery and Memory Symposium
    University of Exeter

    Mar 8, 2019

    “Forging Legal Truths: Courtiers, Casters, and the Creation of Narrative Histories in Late Medieval Japan,”Fictions, Forgeries, and Deceit in the Global Middle Ages
    The Medieval Academy of America

    Jun 13, 2018

    “Inauthentic Truths: Forgery, Authority, and Economy in Medieval Japan [a selection on yuishogaki 由緒書],” Research Talks in Honor of Imperial Princess Akiko of Mikasa’s Visit
    University of Michigan

    Mar 23, 2018

    Organizer, EIHS Workshop Panel: Expectant Bodies: Gender, Textuality, Sovereignty
    Complement to “EIHS Lecture: The Myth of Masculine Impunity: Male Adultery and Repentance in the Middle Ages,” Ruth Mazo Karras, University of Minnesota
    Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies, University of Michigan

    Feb 2, 2018

    Organizer, EIHS Workshop Panel: Public/Private Selves: (In)visibilities, Identities, and Communities
    Complement to “EIHS Lecture: Private Parts and Public Concerns: Erecting the Modern Japanese Penis,” Gregory M. Pflugfelder, Columbia University
    Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies, University of Michigan

    Dec 10, 2017

    “The Agreed Upon Counterfeit: Forgery Culture and Documentary Authority in Medieval Japanese Society,” The Premodern Colloquium
    Medieval and Early Modern Studies Program, University of Michigan

    Mar 19, 2017

    Organizer & Presenter, "When Past is Present: Courtiers, Casters, and Forgery in Late Medieval Japan," Bridging Time & Space: Navigating Social Networks in Premodern East Asia
    The Association for Asian Studies

    Feb 25, 2016

    “Metal Casters, the Matsugi Family, and Late Medieval Networks: Shihai 支配 and Issues of Translation and Interpretation in Historical Scholarship,” Thinking Through Translation: Research in Progress by Japan Foundation Fellows 2015-16
    Japan Foundation, Tokyo, Japan

    Nov 2, 2015

    “中世後期における真継家の鋳物師「支配」:言葉の翻訳・解釈問題を中心に” (“The Matsugi Family’s ‘Control’ of Metal Casters in the Late Medieval Period: Issues in Translation and Interpretation”)
    The Historiographical Institute of the University of Tokyo

    Oct 26, 2013

    Organizer & Presenter, “Composing Medieval Social Spaces: Artisans, Aristocrats, and Textual Representation in the Shokunin uta-awase emaki,” Unbounded Locales: Real and Imagined Geographies of Premodern Japan
    Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs

    Apr 3, 2013

    “Rights, Rites, and Writing: Reconceptualizing “Power” for Artisans, Aristocrats, and Warlords in Late Medieval Japan,” Forum on Research in Medieval Studies Noon Lecture Series
    University of Michigan

    Jan 18, 2013

    “The Country and the City, 40 Years on: Spatial Constructs in the shokunin uta-awase,” The Country and the City, 40 Years on
    Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies, University of Michigan

    Sept 7, 2012

    “Forging Forgeries: Metal Casters and Power in Medieval Japan,” Medieval and Early Modern Studies Department Presentations in Honor of Tom Green: “Thoughts on the Future of the Past”
    University of Michigan

    Jun 2010

    “アイデンティティー形成と意識:中世日本における職人の役割” (Identity Formation and Consciousness: The Role of Artisans in Medieval Japan)
    Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies, Yokohama, Japan

    Conferences and Workshops Organized


    Academics Online [series], The Association for Asian Studies Digital Dialogues
    May 2, 2022 “Part 3: Activists and Advocacy Beyond Academia”
    Mar 10, 2022 “Part 2: Best Practices for Social Media Safety” (Speaker)
    Feb 16, 2022 “Part 1: Digital Harassment Across Asias” (Chair, Speaker)

    Feb 8-9, 2019

    De-centering the Global Middle Ages Symposium
    University of Michigan

    Jul 9-Aug 3, 2018

    Jul 25, 2016

    Graduate Student Research and Methods Colloquium in Medieval Japanese History
    University of Tokyo


    Nov 7, 2023

    “Contemplating Career Paths & Life After the East Asian Studies MA,” The Ohio State University

    Jul 25, 2023

    “East Asian Studies and Digital Humanities: State of the Field,” National University of Singapore

    Jan 29, 2023

    “Visualizing Digital Futures: Public-facing Scholarship & Online Harassment,” Yanai Initiative Symposium: Future Visualizations: At the Intersection of Media and Data, Waseda University

    Jan 19, 2023

    “Ready-to-Use Teaching Tools in and Beyond Japan Studies,” Japan Foundation Toronto

    Dec 3, 2022

    “The Digital Brakes: Demand & Support for DH in East Asian Studies,” The Digital Turn in Early Modern Japanese Studies, University of Cambridge

    Nov 9, 2022

    “The Fourteenth Century and Medieval Transitions,” Furman University

    Oct 3, 2022

    “Between Medieval & Digital: Tackling Premodern Japanese Documents,” Professor Talks
    Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society, University of California, Los Angeles

    Jul 7, 2022

    Digital Humanities & Japanese Studies in North America,” DH 2022 Tokyo Commemorative Lecture Series, Digital Humanities 2022 (Tokyo)

    Mar 25, 2022

    “Pipelines & Patterns: Japanese Studies by the Numbers,” Placing Japan In A Different Setting: New Lenses & New Approaches to Japan Studies
    Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission (JUSFC) sponsored panel, The Association for Asian Studies

    Feb 25, 2022

    “Online Presence and Professionalization in Japanese Studies,”
    Nippon Foundation Fellows Lecture, Inter-University Center for Japanese Studies

    Dec 14, 2021

    “Ask Us Anything: Professionalization, Research, Job Prep, & Beyond,”
    Historians at Work, Reiterations of the Past, Kyushu University

    Dec 6, 2021

    “Thinking Through Difficult Documents: Methods & Technology,”
    Historians at Work, Reiterations of the Past, Kyushu University

    Oct 4, 2021

    “Makers on the Margins? Artisans and Status in Premodern Japan,”
    Asia Now Lecture Series, University of Pittsburgh

    Sept 8, 2021

    Plenary Speaker, “(Dis)Connections in Digital Japanese Studies,” Japanese Association for Digital Humanities

    Jun 25, 2021

    “Of Text and Bronze: Courtiers, Casters, and Social Status in Medieval Japan,” U Tokyo Early-Career Scholar Forum, University of Tokyo

    Jun 23, 2021

    “Perspectives on the Future of Japanese Studies,” CULCON: United States-Japan Conference on Cultural & Education Interchange

    May 7, 2021

    “Modern or Medieval? The Invention of Japan’s Middle Ages,” Lakeforest College

    Apr 26, 2021

    “Rewritten & Retweeted: Japanese History in the Age of Social Media,” Furman University

    Apr 1, 2021

    “Literature, Art, History & the People Between: shokunin uta awase 職人歌合絵巻,” Washington College

    Jan 29, 2021

    “Digital Presence and Methods in East Asian Studies,” University of British Columbia

    Jan 21-22, 2021

    “Academic Networks and Digital Engagement at a Distance,” Research at a Distance: Japan Studies in an age of Covid-19, Workshop for Australia-based Researchers

    Dec 9, 2020

    “Entrepreneurial Aristocrats and Courtly Casters: Social Status through Artisanal Labor in Medieval Japan,” Japan Research Centre Seminar Programme, SOAS University of London

    Dec 6, 2020

    Workshop Leader, "日本史史料英訳ワークショップ―金沢文庫文書" (Japanese Historical Documents English Translation Workshop: Documents from Kanazawa Bunko), Historians' Workshop
    University of Tokyo

    Nov 20, 2020

    “Medieval Lives and Afterlives: The Kawachi Casters in Objects and Legend,” Reiterations of the Past: Negotiations through Practice Series, Kyushu University

    Oct 2, 2020

    “Medieval Texts and Modern Podcasts: Lessons in Digital Media Pedagogy,” Japan Forum, Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University

    Jun 21, 2020

    Workshop Leader, “日本史史料英訳ワークショップ―御成敗式目” (Japanese Historical Documents English Translation Workshop: Documents from Goseibai shikimoku), Historians' Workshop, University of Tokyo

    Jun 17, 2020

    “Seen and Unseen: Commoner History and Visual Materials in Medieval Japan,” Rare and Distinctive Collections Hour Panel: “From Object to Subject: Elevating Histories of People of Color through Manuscript and Print Culture,” Cornell University

    Jun 7, 2020

    Workshop Leader, “日本史史料英訳ワークショップ―醍醐寺文書” (Japanese Historical Documents English Translation Workshop: Daigoji Temple Documents), Historians' Workshop, University of Tokyo

    Feb 17, 2020

    “Making the Warrior: Samurai Codes and Japan's Modern Medieval,” Colgate University

    Feb 17, 2020

    “Age of the Warrior? Rethinking Medieval Japan,” CORE167C – Japan, Colgate University


    “Japanese Crests,” Letterpress Lab with Japanese Crests, Ann Arbor Japan Week, Ann Arbor District Library, Ann Arbor, MI
    Jun 19, 2019
    Jun 20, 2018

    Nov 27, 2017

    “Artisans in the Medieval Japanese Imaginary (?),” HISTART 646 – Medieval Makers and Theories of Making, University of Michigan

    Apr 14, 2017

    Byōbu (Folding Screens) in Premodern Japan,” HISTART 393 – Art and Architecture of Colonial Latin America: Conquest to Independence, University of Michigan

    Apr 14, 2017

    “Cap, Sword, and Kettle: Cross-Status Network Formation and Forgery Production in Late Medieval Japan,” East Asian Studies MA Graduate Forum, Ohio State University

    Dec 16, 2016

    “U-M Graduate Studies on Digital History,” Digital History in a Digital Age? Kemp Family Symposium/Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies Forum, University of Michigan



    Japanese Studies (peer-reviewed journal)
    Medieval Worlds (peer-reviewed journal)
    Modern Languages Open (peer-reviewed journal)


    The Toshizo Watanabe Study Abroad Scholarship Program
    U.S.-Japan Council


    Workshop Leader, “Looking Ahead: Academic Job Market 101,”
    Nov 7, 2023 - The Ohio State University
    Sept 5, 2023 - Pennsylvania State University
    Dec 9, 2021 - University of California, Los Angeles
    Aug 18, 2021 - Women in Ancient Studies Forum, Yale University
    Sept 16, 2020 - Women in Ancient Studies Forum, Yale University


    Faculty Advisor, Digital Resources Committee
    The North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources (NCC)

    2021, 2016

    Fulbright Fellowship Interview Committee
    University of Michigan


    Organizer, Council on East Asian Studies Work in Progress Workshop
    Council on East Asian Studies, Yale University


    Steering Committee Co-Coordinator
    Premodern Japanese Studies (PMJS) Online Community

    Oct 2, 2020

    "Online Pasts and Presence: Digital Media as Professional Development,"
    HIST 807: Graduate School and Beyond I, Department of History
    University of Michigan

    Feb 25, 2020

    “#twitterstorians: Doing History on Twitter,”
    Panelist, University of Michigan History Club, University of Michigan

    Feb 10, 2020

    “Panel Discussion with Yale Postdocs on Finishing the PhD and the Job Market,”
    Women in Ancient Studies Forum, Yale University


    Evaluator, Digital Technology Expo submissions
    The Association for Asian Studies, 2020

    Feb 18, 2019

    “Resume/CV Writing for Japanese Studies,”
    Japanese Studies Interdisciplinary Colloquium, University of Michigan

    Jan 26, 2018

    “The Future After a Japanese Studies MA Degree,”
    Japanese Studies Interdisciplinary Colloquium, University of Michigan

    Feb 27, 2017

    “Graduate Student Instructor Mentoring on Time Management,”
    History Department, University of Michigan


    Fulbright Fellowship Interview Committee, University of Michigan

    2012-13, 18-19

    Founder & Graduate Student Coordinator, Japanese Studies Interdisciplinary Colloquium
    Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop, University of Michigan

    2012-13, 13-14

    Graduate Student Coordinator, Forum on Research in Medieval Studies Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop, University of Michigan

    May 6, 2011

    Organizer & Presenter, “Leveling up your Japanese: Attending the Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies,”
    Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, Ohio State University



    The University of Michigan Medieval Komonjo Workshop (1 month)
    Intensive Medieval Japanese Document Training, University of Michigan


    Japan Foundation Graduate Research Fellow
    The Historiographical Institute of the University of Tokyo


    Fulbright Graduate Research Fellow
    The Historiographical Institute of the University of Tokyo


    Summer Kambun Workshop: Medieval Japanese Document Training (1 month)
    University of Southern California


    Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies, Yokohama, Japan
    Advanced Language Training, Summer & 10-month Intensive Program


    Japanese: advanced (speaking, reading, writing, listening)
    Classical Japanese: intermediate/advanced (reading)
    Kanbun/Komonjo: intermediate/advanced (reading)