Academic Mailing Lists on East Asian Studies
Paula R. Curtis
September 1, 2021
For academics, mailing lists remain an important method for finding and disseminating information across the globe. Although some mailing lists in East Asian Studies have been around for three decades or more, at times they can be difficult to locate and we can miss a lot of opportunities if we lack that connection. In an effort to make some of these helpful resources easier to find, I have compiled a page of those lists commonly used by East Asian Studies scholars. This list will be updated as new information becomes available. Please contact me with any corrections.
If there is a mailing list you would like to add to this page, please provide information on it via this Google form. Mailing list descriptions in any language are welcome.
Last Updated: 2021-09-01
H-Japan & H-Asia
Website(s): Japan, Asia
Language(s): Primarily English
Subscription: Open
Both H-Japan and H-Asia mailing lists are part of the H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences Online network. H-Japan is an international, nonpartisan digital network that provides scholars, graduate students, and professionals a free daily forum to discuss Japanese history, culture, religion, and society, including contemporary political, diplomatic, security, and economic issues. H-Asia is also an online community that enables historians and other Asia scholars to easily communicate current research and teaching interests; to discuss new articles, books, papers, approaches, methods and tools of analysis; and to test new ideas and share comments and tips on teaching.
Premodern Japanese Studies (PMJS)
Website(s): https://www.pmjs.org/
Language(s): Primarily English
Subscription: Open
Premodern Japanese Studies is a worldwide network of scholars, students, and professionals who research premodern Japan. Through a mailing list and online resources they serve as a platform for the dissemination of information relevant to fields such as Japanese art, art history, literature, history, culture, language, and religion. With over 1000 members from more than 40 countries, PMJS is the largest and most diverse academic network dedicated specifically to premodern Japan.
Early Modern Japan Network (EMJNet)
Website(s): https://sites.google.com/view/emjnet/
Language(s): Primarily English
Subscription: Open
The Early Modern Japan Network (EMJNet) of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) was founded in 1993 and is devoted to supporting activities of all specialists who address research in and teaching of early modern Japan (ca. late sixteenth to late nineteenth centuries). EMJNet sponsors proposals to the program committee for the AAS annual meeting and has organized conferences and other activities since that time.
Digital Humanities Japan (DH Japan)
Website(s): http://dhjapan.org/
Language(s): Primarily English
Subscription: Open
Digital Humanities Japan is an international and interdisciplinary community of scholars and professionals interested in working with digital methods, tools, and resources for Japanese Studies. They aim to foster collaboration between those with similar interests by promoting scholarly dialogue, holding workshops to develop technical skills and project ideas, and creating a central platform for the sharing of resources related to digital methods. The mailing list is used for announcements, discussions, and other relevant materials related to digitally-inflected work on Japan.
人文科学とコンピュータ研究会 Computers and the Humanities (IPSJ SIG)
Website(s): メーリングリスト
Language(s): Primarily Japanese
Subscription: Open
「人文科学とコンピュータ研究会」(IPSJ SIG Computers and the Humanities) は、 情報処理学会の研究会 のひとつで、情報技術を活用した人文科学分野の研究や人文科学に関連する情報資源の記録、蓄積、提供を推進しています。ML人で文科学とコンピュータ研究会が主催・共催・後援するイベントを主に告知いたします。また、MLの会員の皆様も、同研究会の趣旨にあった関連イベントの告知は自由に流していただければと思います。
Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL)
Website(s): https://www.eastasianlib.org/newsite/about/mailing-lists/
Language(s): Primarily English
Subscription: Open
CEAL is a committee of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS). The objectives of CEAL are to serve as a forum for discussions about issues of common concern relating to East Asian libraries and East Asian Librarianship, to formulate programs for the development of East Asian library resources, services, and systematic organization of all types of recorded information and knowledge, and to promote interlibrary and international cooperation in East Asian librarianship.
European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS)
Website(s): https://lists.fu-berlin.de/listinfo/eajs-l/
Language(s): Primarily English
Subscription: Open
The European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS) is an association of scholars and researchers focusing on Japan. The general objectives of EAJS are to stimulate interest in and promote research in Japanese Studies in all countries of Europe, Japan and the world. EAJS-L is the official electronic mailing list. In addition to communicating announcements of the Association, its activities, and members, the list is also a productive venue for various calls for papers, position announcements, requests for research and publishing collaborations, as well as other general posts on Japanese Studies.
Gesellschaft für Japanforschung (GJF) - J-STUDIEN
Website(s): https://lists.fu-berlin.de/listinfo/j-studien
Language(s): Primarily German
Subscription: Open
The German-language list of the Gesellschaft für Japanforschung (Society for Japan Research) is a source for Japan-related information and connects German-speaking Japan researchers around the world. In addition to announcements and reports on events, symposia, workshops, conferences, lectures and exhibitions, there is news about current job vacancies, award ceremonies, Japanese films on TV and cinema, relevant software and websites and more.
British Association for Japanese Studies (BAJS)
Website(s): http://bacsuk.org.uk/about-us/membership
Language(s): Primarily English
Subscription: Membership
The British Association for Japanese Studies is an association of scholars and students dedicated to researching, teaching, and publishing about Japan. It organizes conferences and provides funding to support students in the field.
British Association for Chinese Studies (BACS)
Website(s): http://bacsuk.org.uk/about-us/membership
Language(s): Primarily English
Subscription: Membership
The British Association for Chinese Studies is a non-political organization which aims to encourage and promote Chinese studies in the United Kingdom. As the only comprehensive subject association for Chinese Studies in the UK, we represent the field of Chinese Studies in its entirety. The BACS mailing list provides regular information on China-related events, conferences, job opportunities and research funding schemes.
British Association for Korean Studies (BAKS)
Website(s): http://www.baks.org.uk/wptest/about/
Language(s): Primarily English
Subscription: Open
The British Association for Korean Studies (BAKS) was founded in the late 1980s to support, promote and further Korean Studies in the United Kingdom. BAKS stimulates teaching and research on any aspect of Korea by hosting academic events and by publishing the peer-reviewed journal European Journal of Korean Studies, formerly Papers of the British Association for Korean Studies (BAKS Papers).
Korean Studies Internet Discussion List
Website(s): https://koreanstudies.com/5_discussions.html
Language(s): Primarily English
Subscription: Open
In 1994 Rob Provine established an e-mail Korean Studies discussion list under the name “korean-studies” for the purpose of keeping the often isolated members of the Korean Studies community in touch with each other and in fruitful communication. Later he was joined by other moderators and list co-owners. The list, which is hosted on the above website, has now over 1,000 subscribers and is an avenue for publication and conference announcements, job postings, and of course academic discussions that cover the entire field of Korean Studies.
Japan Art History Forum (JAHF)
Website(s): https://www.jahf.net/how-to-join/
Language(s): Primarily English
Subscription: Membership
The Japan Art History Forum (JAHF) is affiliated with two professional societies in the United States, the College Art Association and the Association for Asian Studies. Membership is open to anyone worldwide with a serious scholarly interest in the study of Japanese art history, visual and material culture, including faculty and graduate students in art history and related fields, museum professionals, independent scholars, and serious collectors. The mailing list welcomes occasional announcements of, for example, new publications and museum exhibitions of general interest to our group.
Post-1945 Japanese Art Discussion Group/Gendai Bijutsu Kondankai (PoNJA-GenKon)
Website(s): https://ponja-genkon.net/
Language(s): Primarily English
Subscription: Open
PoNJA-GenKon (ポンジャ現懇) is an online listserv group that offers a forum for interaction and debate on issues addressing post-1945 Japanese art and Japanese modernity. It brings together a large international network of specialists and professionals. PoNJA-GenKon is a virtual community but it has created a physical presence through organizing and co-organizing conferences in collaboration with academic and art institutions.
Social Science Japan Forum (SSJ-Forum)
Website(s): https://forum.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/
Language(s): Primarily English
Subscription: Open
SSJ-Forum aims to stimulate dialogue among researchers doing social science and political economy of Japan. The list enables scholars to: communicate current research interests; discuss new books, papers, approaches, and articles; test new ideas; and share comments and tips on teaching courses on Japan. Posts are primarily related to event information, calls for papers, and job listings.
East Asian Anthropology (EASIANTH)
Website(s): https://listserv.temple.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=EASIANTH
Language(s): Primarily English
Subscription: Open
East Asian Anthropology is an online discussion group devoted to the interests of anthropologists working in East Asia. The East Asian Anthropology Interest Group is committed to developing international channels of communication among anthropologists throughout the world.
Website(s): http://wakabun.jp/index.html
Language(s): Primarily Japanese
Subscription: Membership
Website(s): https://kinemaclub.org/
Language(s): Primarily English, Japanese
Subscription: Open
Kinema Club is a long-standing, international but informal group devoted to the study of Japanese moving image media. Kinema Club has hosted yearly conferences and workshops, published books, and served as a site for sharing information about Japanese cinema, especially involving research, education, and bibliography. The KineJapan mailing list has existed for over 25 years, and features posts about conferences, job openings, film festivals, and other news about Japanese film and media.
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